❖ The abstract and the presentation has to be the original work of the author(s).
❖ The abstract should be written either in English or Chinese, and must be the same language used in the presentation.
❖ The abstract is limited to 350 words in English or 300 words in Chinese. Use Times New Roman for abstract written in English; 新細明體 PMingLiU for abstract written in Chinese; 12-point font size, and 1.5 line spacing.
❖ Tha abstract could be research, project, or programme related.
❖ The abstract should include the following information:
Details of author and co-authors (Name, position, and Institution): (e.g. Chan, Ming-wai John, Social Worker, Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Introduction / Background
Methods / Program details
Results / Observations
Discussion / Implication
Keywords (Limit to 5)
References (Limit to 5)
❖ Abstract acceptance or unsuccessful application will be informed by email. We reserve the right to suggest poster presentation.
❖ If the abstract is accepted, the presenter has to register as a conference participant. The abstract will also be printed in the conference book.
❖ The presentation will take place in the parallel session. Each presentation will be 15 minutes with Q&A at the end of the parallel session.